Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We Survived Snot and Vomit Week!

Yes, each and every one of my little family was blessed with a stomach virus, and a cold virus all in the same week. It was not so glorious, and I am not going to describe why baby M. and I took a bath at midnight last week. We also got carpet in our den, making it the only room in the entire house that does not have hard floors. NO one was allowed in the den until vomit free for 24 hours. We spent a lot of time in the small living room last week. Thank God it is all over! So what else has been going on? Well, G has not forgotten the word vagina. However, he has forgotten the meaning.

Today while we were homeschooling it up, G and I played a game where every time he got an answer right, he got to pin a leaf on his "Halloween tree". I do realize now that I was doing this backwards and he should have been taking the leaves off, but I didn't get certified to teach pre-K now did I? Anyway, he was also naming the types of leaves as he pinned them on the tree. There were: willow, pin oak, live oak, red oak, and vagina berry. Yes folks, according to my son, it does grow on trees.

Thankfully I was able to gently correct him and say, "sorry dude, I think you mean china berry leaves, not vagina berry leaves." For the first time in his entire life he didn't argue, or ask any questions, and I was able to send him outside for "recess". Then I laughed hysterically at the mental image he gifted me. Days like today make up for every miserable night I spent rocking that screaming little turd to sleep. That kid is more entertaining than a pet racoon.



IDK, we have a "pet" raccoon and it is pretty entertaining to see Bart react to the antics it pulls. And by antics, I mean, knocking our trash cans over all the time and tearing the bags up. However, G totally has him beat :)

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